Transform or Command 1 – 10

Transform or Command 1 – 10


Five students start playing a magical “Truth or Dare”-like game called “Transform or Command”. The chosen player either transforms according to the specification or has to follow the next given command to the letter!


This Series is still ongoing and will finish around August 2024.

Plot: Watch a group of six students start playing a magical game called “Transform or Command”. The game is quite similar to “Truth or Dare” but it’s cool… and magical… and it comes with a lot of extra rules if anybody would bother to read them :). Watch magic stuff happening as our players enter the game with a magical oath and do their first few turns changing each other in the process – freaking out more or less, depending on the person and change :). Over the course of this series, all players get changed in one way or another. When “Toced” a player can choose either to be physically transformed or to obey the next command given. Obviously, this leads to some discontent among the group when commands and transformations are spoken that are disliked by the victim and soon our players are split and some fight to win the game and dominate the others!

Teaser PDFs available:

Note: There are no pinups to chapter 9 and 10.


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