A Magic Sleepwalk Teaser – Fertility Idol

Hexxets Magic Comics: mind control themed comics for adults. Including lots of hypnotized girls, magic spells, transformations, and superpowers

A Magic Sleepwalk Teaser – Fertility Idol

Plot: James has found a fertility idol on one of his latest expeditions. His wife is a bit jealous of all the time he spends on his work and when she finds her husband deep asleep at home she can’t help herself but play around with the idol a bit… activating it in the process. Soon the ancient power of the artifact is flowing through Lucine’s body – changing her in the process. But that’s not all! Women all over the neighborhood slip out of their beds and sleepwalk towards the Kalingtons’ residence where the idol increases their bust and hips before Lucine – who’s now completely possessed by the idol. Soon Lucine directs her female neighbors to pleasure her husband in any way they can think of.

Topics & Fetishes of this comic

  • Magic/Sleepwalking: The idol magically lures women in its vicinity and controls them while sleepwalking. Also, it possesses Lucine!
  • Transformations: All girls’ breasts are expanded a lot, and their hips/asses are enlarged as well.
  • Sexy Stuff: sexy sleepwear, nudity, orgy, cunnilingus, blowjob, cowgirl, lactation, milk squirting, pregnancy…
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Find the teaser PDF below to read. The full comic is ~90 pages long and entails 13 pinups.

Teaser PDF

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