An Omnipotence-themed AI pictorial – Lauren and the Case of Omnipotence

Hexxets Magic Comics: mind control themed comics for adults. Including lots of hypnotized girls, magic spells, transformations, and superpowers

An Omnipotence-themed AI pictorial – Lauren and the Case of Omnipotence

Meta: We had a recent poll at Patreon and you guys decided that it was fine to replace one of the 3D comics with a long MC-themed PAI. I ended up with reality change/omnipotence as the origin of mind control – I hope that is fine with you guys :). So, this is a PAI, but it’s available to Connoisseur Tier Members (and above).

Plot: George is in court. He allegedly harassed a girl called Lauren, but of course, he pleads not guilty. After all, as an omnipotent being he does not really have to conform to human law nor did he really harass her in the first place – It’s just a problem with the reality shift and the restoration of Lauren’s memories… will that argument hold in court? Will the judge see reason? Can George convince the jury? Find out in this ~73-page-long PAI.

Topics and Fetishes:

  • Transformations: Age regression, Breast expansion, Beautification, Hair, …
  • Mind Control/Omnipotence/Reality Change: Our guy is omnipotent and able to change anything without people realizing it! (Physically and Mentally!
  • Sexy Stuff: Besides a lot of sexy girls shedding their clothes and going nude we’ve got one huge orgy in the courtroom and some more sex later 🙂
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