Hypnotic Trance Comic Teaser – MC Trance Trigger

Hexxets Magic Comics: mind control themed comics for adults. Including lots of hypnotized girls, magic spells, transformations, and superpowers

Hypnotic Trance Comic Teaser – MC Trance Trigger

Coming 06.10.2023…

Plot: David met Melinda yesterday during his vacation at an all-inclusive beach resort. She is from a posh family, a bit shy, and super cute! David fell in love with her at first sight. To top it off, she attended last night’s evening entertainment on stage… a hypnosis show! When David talks a bit to Melinda the next day and finds out that her Trance Trigger has not been removed he ensures his feelings of love are returned…


  • Hypnosis/Trance/Mind Control – The hypnosis itself is cut short, the story is more about using said trigger to put Melinda in a trance and change her.
  • Wet Beach Girl: Melinda is wet from taking a swim throughout the whole comic – wearing nothing but a two-piece Bikini (or less).
  • Sexy Stuff: Feelings of love, flirting, Boobies (with Tan-Lines!), a BJ

Note: There is no hard-core action in this comic, but a very intensive BJ.

Buy on Gumroad.

Find the teaser PDF below to read. The full comic is ~55 pages long and entails 5 pinups.

Teaser PDF

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