Jenny at the Party V2.0 – a reality change – themed AI Pictorial

Hexxets Magic Comics: mind control themed comics for adults. Including lots of hypnotized girls, magic spells, transformations, and superpowers

Jenny at the Party V2.0 – a reality change – themed AI Pictorial

Plot: You are having a party where you talk to Jenny. Jenny likes the party but she’s not really interested in you. But thanks to your little reality-changing gadget you first change the dress code and then Jenny herself until she is more than willing to join you in the bedroom.

This is a remake of the original PAI “Jenny at the Garden Party” which I had to take down because it was created with the public PornPen Mode. This new version is now created in the correct mode and image quality has improved greatly over the original I think 🙂. Also, there is no more garden in this PAI’s images, so that word got removed from the title ^^.

PS: I have used ElevenLabs to create a dubbed video of this PAI. It’s far from perfect. Some stuff I write sounds pretty cheesy and stupid when spoken out loud I guess ^^. And some stuff is just too hard for the AI to pronounce erotically ^^. But I wanted to try it out once 🙂

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