Magic Transformation Game Comic Teaser – Transform or Command – Part 1

Hexxets Magic Comics: mind control themed comics for adults. Including lots of hypnotized girls, magic spells, transformations, and superpowers

Magic Transformation Game Comic Teaser – Transform or Command – Part 1

Plot: Watch a group of six students start playing a magical game called “Transform or Command”. The game is quite similar to “Truth or Dare” but it’s cool… and magical… and it comes with a lot of extra rules if anybody would bother to read them :). Watch magic stuff happening as our players enter the game with a magical oath and do their first few turns changing each other in the process – freaking out more or less, depending on the person and change :).

Meta: Transform and Command was voted for on Patreon as some sort of reboot of “A Game of Change”, but with the game and players changing, there are no more similarities between those two comics aside from people playing some game ^^. Anyway, this comic is planned as a series, so the first part is starting out slow and changes and intrigue will slowly ramp up. I’d be aiming for 5 parts to this story in total… but I assume it might get longer if people like it and the story develops accordingly :).

Fetishes: & stuff

  • Magic – There is a magical board game that lets the players change each other.
  • Transformation: Players are changed physically during the first few rounds: growth, breast expansion and hair change to be exact.
  • Mind Control: The “Command” action can force people to do something, but it’s only used for a couple to kiss in this part. More sinister usages are planned for the future parts 😉
  • Sexy Stuff: Nothing lewd is happening in part 1. Some nudity is planned for part 2.
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Find the teaser PDF below to read. The full comic is ~52 pages long and entails 4 pinups.

Teaser PDF

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