PAI Chart – June 2023
The following four PAIs come out in June…
OF:BF – Omnipotent Female Best Friend: You are a nerd going to school. You are good at school and… well that’s basically it. You kinda have trouble getting it on with the girls. But today your best friend Amy calls you up and tells you she had an accident. And ever since she came back to, her wishes come true! She thinks she has omnipotent powers! Of course, you think it’s Bullshit… but after some testing, you are inclined to believe her! But Amy has her own problems… she does not want to use her powers too much and she wants to score her crush… a cute muscular guy at school called Brandon… Can you help Amy make the right decisions to get Brandon? Or will you talk her into wishes that benefit you more than her? Or, or, or… This is an interactive story with 15 different Endings. A few of those have variants with different girls! Overall this story contains 7 girls and depending on your choices you can score with either of them! [Breast Expansion, Bimbofication, Magic Change of Common Sense, Wishing / Omnipotence / Reality Change, Hair Change] (370 Pages)
OF:BF – Free Preview Version: Since OF:BF is special and was a lot of work, the free PAI of June will be one path of OF:BF. This version will be mostly straightforward only containing very minor choices to showcase the interactivity. However, it will contain pix of all the girls, the complete intro and it will lead up all the way to one ending. It’s still 66 Pages long! [Breast Expansion, Wishes / Omnipotence, Change of Common Sense] (66 Pages)
The Last Boob Bender – CH 03: Last time on “The Last Boob Bender” we have met the protagonist’s sister and mother. He has helped both pf them score their respective dates by enlarging their breasts. But now it is finally time for him to enjoy some time for himself! He has found a nice girl! Her name is Anna and she has come home with him on their third date! Of course, she does not know about his powers, and he has a bit of trouble keeping them in check as this is his first time touching actual real-life boobs, but he manages… Until they are rudely interrupted by his sister while getting it on! [Breast Expansion] (33 Pages)
FitTrans – Fitness Transfer Studio: Working out is such a chore! That’s why here at FitTrans you get rewarded for all your hard training… with an orgasm! That’s basically the studio’s slogan and it’s true. But behind the curtains, Evolvum has monetized this business to the extreme. After building up your dream body in the gym you are basically addicted to those horny-inducing machines! But fret not! You can sell your muscles to some rich people thanks to Evolvum’s body attribute Transfer Machine! That way you can start out training a new and receive better orgasms again! It’s a vicious cycle! In this story we follow one guy who applies for a job there. [Athletic Girls, Muscle Girls, Orgasms, Orgasm Control, Muscle gain & loss/transfer, a bit of Breast Expansion & loss/transfer] (53 Pages)
Not just a Winery – CH 02: Mr. Kalington, our Winery owner, is throwing a party for the rich and famous. While everybody is having fun, he and his loyal waitress Jenny bring some people to so-called VIP rooms for a special wine tasting. Cause there you can not only buy whine, you can buy people’s lives! First, we will have an eye on Miss Lang who has been bought by her boss Rob. She just doesn’t know it yet. And later we will join the Willsons. Miss Willson is having an affair behind Mr. WiIllson’s back, so he has invested some bucks into getting his wife under control…[Transformation, Breast Expansion, Change of Hair, Bimbo (in mind), induced hornyness and orgasms, Magic (The suggestibility Potion is back)!] (55 Pages)
PAI Release Schedule:
- 31.05.2023: OF:BF – Omnipotent Female Best Friend (Member & Free Version)
- 07.06.2023: The Las Boob Bender – CH 03
- 14.06.2023: Not just a Winery – CH 02
- 21.06.2023: FitTrans – Fitness Transfer Studio
I hope you are looking forward to these PAIs :). Even without OF:BF they turned out far longer than the last ones.