PAI Chart – October 2023

Hexxets Magic Comics: mind control themed comics for adults. Including lots of hypnotized girls, magic spells, transformations, and superpowers

PAI Chart – October 2023

Hello, Hexxet here,

In October we’ll have our regular three member PAIs and one free PAI:

The Last Boob Bender – Battle Royale 02 (or part 6): In part 01 our protagonist had to face the battle of his life. Now in part 02 he is talking with his best friend Mira about it while changing people left and right on campus… Please note: There actually is some decent battle royale plot happening in this chapter but giving you more details would spoil the fun :). [~42 pages]

House Rules: The free PAI of October. After some drunk endeavor with your best friend, you return home just to find your friend writing something stupid on that new community board of the building you live in. “All female residents above the age of 18 alternate in servicing Marc Mac Millon (you) in 301A as all-in sex slaves.” Oh, boy. You will be in a lot of trouble when the first neighbor reads that, but you are too drunk to care right now. The next morning somebody rings your doorbell. You open up and it’s one of your neighbors… and his daughter?! [~28 pages, kinda new style]

Fuck Bunnies from Outer Space: This comic title resulted from a bet with a friend of mine. He was giving me the trashiest title he could think of and I would write a tasteful story to it ^^. Well, the tasteful part I’m not too sure ^^, but this comic actually has some story ^^. Plot: We join a female captain and her three male astronauts at a space station orbiting Earth as they start to witness strange occurrences… in the form of beautiful women with bunny ears! They are called Beth and they are here to trade… DNA! I usually don’t write alien stuff, and this PAI actually does not have a focus on neither magic control nor transformation… But I think it turned out hilarious anyway and I hope you’ll enjoy it. [~45 pages, new style]

Saving Liz: It’s finally time to save Liz! (This story got postponed from September since I wanted to bring to you the continuation of the MCP at the Office sooner). Plot: You somehow got your hands on a reality-altering device and you fucked up Liz! Without storing her original self! Now it’s time to get her back on track… will you manage to do so? This story might be short but I really like how it turned out because it shows the reality-change-topic from a slightly different angle :). [~19 pages]

PAI Release Schedule:

  • 04.10.2023: Fuck Bunnies from Outer Space
  • 11.10.2023: House Rules
  • 18.10.2023: The Last Boob Bender – Battle Royale 02
  • 25.10.2023: Saving Liz

I hope you are looking forward to these PAIs :).

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