MC Trance Trigger – Series

MC Trance Trigger – Series


Watch as David uses Melinda’s Trance Trigger to turn her into his loving girlfriend before paying her mother a visit!


This product contains all four chapters of the MC Trance Trigger Series

Plot: David met Melinda yesterday during his vacation at an all-inclusive beach resort. She is from a posh family, a bit shy, and super cute! David fell in love with her at first sight. To top it off, she attended last night’s evening entertainment on stage… a hypnosis show! When David talks a bit to Melinda the next day and finds out that her Trance Trigger has not been removed he ensures his feelings of love are returned… Watch as David reprograms Melinda to comply with his wishes until the freshly baked couple eve visit Melinda’s mother who attended the same show and also has a lingering Trigger in her mind!


  • Hypno/MC: Lots of Trances are triggered throughout the comic –> Blank eyes and reprogramming
  • Free Use: The last two chapters kinda deal with ignored lewd stuff 🙂



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