PAI Package 2023 – II

PAI Package 2023 – II


15 AI Comics that came out in 2023 during July, August, September, and October. Most of them are Magic Control or/and Transformation themed.


This Product contains all standard PAIs that came out in  July, August, September and October 2023 including:

  1. The App – Testing in the Friend-Zone
  2. Student Project MCP
  3. The Last Boob Bender 4
  4. The Last Boob Bender 5 – Battle Royale 01
  5. The Last Boob Bender 6 – Battle Royale 02
  6. Supernatural – The Adventures of Samantha and Diana
  7. Kim and the Remote
  8. Jenny at the Party
  9. Divine Encounter
  10. Not just a Winery 3
  11. The Master Control Program – AT THE OFFICE – Continued
  12. The Collar
  13. House Rules
  14. Fuck Bunnies from Outer Space
  15. Saving Liz


  1. The App – Testing in the Friend-Zone:
    • You are friends with Erika for a very long time… and you’d like there to be more… but you are trapped in the friend-zone. But there is this app on your phone which is supposed to be able to change people by just taking a picture of them… It surely is just a lame joke… but what the hell… you already bought it when you were drunk yesterday. Won’t hurt to try it out. Erika, can I take your picture? -> Note: This is an interactive Comic. You can use the App to change Erika in several ways.

  2. Student Project MCP:
    • This is the Free PAI of July. Mandy is waiting for you at her place. You are working on a project together and need to finish it before the deadline given by your teacher. But you are slightly late and Mandy has downloaded a new APP called MCP while waiting for you. She has entered her name but hasn’t done anything else with it yet. The stats seem pretty accurate. You play around real quick with the stat sliders like Arousal and intellect, but it doesn’t seem to do anything. You don’t have time for this. So lets save those changes and get to working on the project, right? 🙂 [27 Pages]

  3. The Last Boob Bender 4:
    • The weekend is over and our protagonist and his new girlfriend Anna are back in school where they meet a friend of Anna who’s bullied by some busty cheerleader chick. That’s when Anna has an idea… if our protagonist focused his powers on two targets at the same time… could he make it look like Attribute Theft? 🙂 [40 Pages]

  4. The Last Boob Bender 5 – Battle Royale 01:
    • This is the continuation of the original Boob Bender series, but we are switching from teenage drama to battle royal – fight to become the next god – kinda story style. More recent AI methods are used to create better graphics starting with this chapter and the boobs get bigger than ever! Plot: When our protagonist (The Boob Bender) stumbles upon an old tablet telling about the Bender-Wars, an ancient conflict for all Bender powers he first shrugs it off as a myth… but when he is faced with an unexpected adversary in a duel for his powers he fights back the only way he can… with BOOBS! [~55 pages]

  5. The Last Boob Bender 6 – Battle Royale 02:
    • In part 01 our protagonist had to face the battle of his life. Now in part 02 he is talking with his best friend Mira about it while changing people left and right on campus… Please note: There actually is some decent battle royale plot happening in this chapter but giving you more details would spoil the fun :).

  6. Supernatural – The Adventures of Samantha and Diana:
    • So… yeah… I’m currently re-watching Supernatural the Series (currently at season 10 ^^) and I kinda felt like doing a parody: Samantha and Diana are sisters… and Hunters! They are hunting down the supernatural things that haunt this world. This time they find their way to a small town with a very unusual case: Kate – a student was suffocated in her sleep… by her own giant boobs! Can the peacemaker sisters solve this mysterious case? Or will they fall victim to said breast expansion magic themselves? This is a parody… and I guess you need to have watched the real series to enjoy this as there are quite some references in this one. I don’t know if this comic turned out sexy… but if you have watched the series it hopefully will get some laughs out of you :). [86 pages]

  7. Kim and the Remote:
    • You’ve gotten your hands on a remote control that can change more than your telly’s channel! You use it on your best friend Kim to expand her breasts! Kim is thrilled about her new assets and thanks you. She is sure she can now finally score with the boy she loves. Another button press later that boy is you ;).

  8. Jenny at the Party:
    • You are having a party where you talk to Jenny. Jenny likes the party but she’s not really interested in you. But thanks to your little reality-changing gadget you first change the dress code and then Jenny herself until she is more than willing to join you in the bedroom

  9. Divine Encounter:
    • A god has found his way into the top model villa and is talking to a girl there, changing her in the process to see how she’d turned out under different circumstances. Lots of different transformations incoming as I was using this story to try out what kind of stuff I could do with the Pornpen engine 🙂

  10. Not just a Winery 3:
    • Our winery guy is investigated by two female police officers who have amassed some evidence against him for turning a woman into a bimbo! They are pretty close to arresting him… but maybe… just maybe they should not have accepted that glass of wine at the start of their interrogation! [~50 pages]

  11. The Master Control Program – AT THE OFFICE – Continued:
    • This is a continuation of my previous MCP PAI-Book, continuing the story from some of the endings and showing a day at the office if our protagonist as he has to attend several meetings (with the MCP at hand of course to spice them up!) ~ 60 pages.

  12. The Collar:
    • This is the free PAI of September, also available on my homepage for free. Plot: You meet your MILF-like neighbor and talk her into wearing a special collar for your art project. She puts it on, not realizing that the wearer can be made to do anything… and be reshaped! Enjoy a nice weekend with your hot and changed neighbor before sending her back non-the-wiser. [20 pages]

  13. House Rules:
    • After some drunk endeavor with your best friend, you return home just to find your friend writing something stupid on that new community board of the building you live in. “All female residents above the age of 18 alternate in servicing Marc Mac Millon (you) in 301A as all-in sex slaves.” Oh, boy. You will be in a lot of trouble when the first neighbor reads that, but you are too drunk to care right now. The next morning somebody rings your doorbell. You open up and it’s one of your neighbors… and his daughter?!

  14. Fuck Bunnies from Outer Space:
    • We join a female captain and her three male astronauts at a space station orbiting Earth as they start to witness strange occurrences… in the form of beautiful women with bunny ears! They are called Beth and they are here to trade… DNA! I usually don’t write alien stuff, and this PAI actually does not have a focus on neither magic control nor transformation… But I think it turned out hilarious anyway and I hope you’ll enjoy it. [~45 pages, new style]

  15. Saving Liz:
    • You somehow got your hands on a reality-altering device and you fucked up Liz! Without storing her original self! Now it’s time to get her back on track… will you manage to do so? This story might be short but I really like how it turned out because it shows the reality-change-topic from a slightly different angle :).



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