Reality Change Comic Teaser – Reality Engine – Part 1

Hexxets Magic Comics: mind control themed comics for adults. Including lots of hypnotized girls, magic spells, transformations, and superpowers

Reality Change Comic Teaser – Reality Engine – Part 1

Plot: Dr. Norah Hendriks has developed a machine that can alter the quantum strings of reality and change them to form a new reality to the wishes of the user. Sadly specifying input for the machine is very complicated as is and therefore Dr. Hendriks has called for backup. Her old and trusted friend Prof. Irene fortune is invited to join her at the military base where she has been developing the machine. Together she plans to create an App for the machine so it can be used more conveniently. What Norah does not know is that her assistant Mikael has already completed such an App in the meantime! Now in the right hands, the Reality Engine could be used to solve major problems of the world: global warming, pollution, wars… but of course in the hands of a pervert it can also be used to slut some science professors up and enjoy some sexy time 😉


  • Reality Change
  • Change of Common Sense
  • Change of Personality
  • Women interpreting degrading language as compliments
  • Slutty clothing
  • Sex-Stuff: Nudity, sex, bj, …
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Find the teaser PDF below to read. The full comic is ~65 pages long and entails 11 pinups.

Teaser PDF

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