Tag: Big Breasts

Hexxets Magic Comics: mind control themed comics for adults. Including lots of hypnotized girls, magic spells, transformations, and superpowers

Window Wishing – Part 8 – A magic wishing-themed comic

Plot: In this part, we will conclude the Kingdom journey arc as King Erik and Veronica finish their travels through the fairy kingdom at a coffee shop that is famous for its delicious milk. Finally, we will follow Veronica back to her hotel where she will get to know elven hospitality 😉 Fetishes: This comic…...

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Transform or Command (ToC) – Chapter 04 – A magic transformative game comic

Previously on “Transform d Command” our players have gone home after a night of gaming. Most of them have been transformed in some way, but, back at home, they seem mostly content with their changes. But then suddenly the phone rings and Amara informs the rest of the grpuü that the game is not over……...

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Window Wishing – Part 7 – A magic wishing themed comic

Plot: Previously on Window Wishing we’ve seen Erik enjoy a costume party. After various changes and sexual interactions, the party ended with Katarina wishing the whole town to be Erik’s personal fairyland with him as king. And all inhabitants being his sexy submissive fairy and elf girls. That was five days ago. Erik has not…...

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Lauren and the Case of Omnipotence – A Reality Change / Omnipotence-themed AI Pictorial

Meta: We had a recent poll at Patreon and you guys decided that it was fine to replace one of the 3D comics with a long MC-themed PAI. I ended up with reality change/omnipotence as the origin of mind control – I hope that is fine with you guys :). So, this is a PAI,…...

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Transform or Command (ToC) – Chapter 03 – A magic transformative game comic

Previously on ToC: Our six students have started to play a game called “Transform or Command” that forces its players to actually follow commands or even more astonishingly makes them transform according to the other’s specifications. Several girls have been transformed gaining height, changing hair or gaining breast size… Plot: But now, in chapter 03…...

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Window Wishing – Part 6 – A magic wishing themed comic

Plot: Previously on Window Wishing we’ve seen Erik take control of the situation and start a costume party where he’s sharing the amulet’s powers with his girls. They may wish for anything they want as long as Erik first approves of their wish. Several girls were changed already like Cheryl who’s now a real-life fairy,…...

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The Dictaphone at School – Life is Like an Anime – A Reality-Change-themed Comic

Plot: Stacey and Gina were on their way to confront Dylan about the Dictaphone but they crashed into Sayo. The Dictaphone dropped to the floor and accidentally Sayo made them forget about all of it! Now Sayo has the Dictaphone, but no clue of its powers! As she picks up her Mangas which dropped to…...

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Fertility Idol – A Magic Sleepwalking-themed Comic

Plot: James has found a fertility idol on one of his latest expeditions. His wife is a bit jealous of all the time he spends on his work and when she finds her husband deep asleep at home she can’t help herself but play around with the idol a bit… activating it in the process.…...

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Window Wishing – Part 5 – A magic wishing themed comic

Plot: Previously we have seen Erik take the Amulet to a speed dating event. Said event is now over and Erik’s harem has expanded by 4 more girls. But when Erik and the new girls return to Erik’s home they are greeted by Carin – a girl previously changed by Erik to be irresistible to…...

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Window Wishing – Part 4 – A Magic Wishing Comic

Plot: Previously we have seen Erik take the Amulet to a speed dating event while leaving his two hot neighbors (now girlfriends) at his new mansion. During the event, Erik changed an 18-year-old girl who was not happy with her body in quite a few ways, into a tall, busty bombshell who is pretty grateful…...

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