Tag: Big Breasts

Hexxets Magic Comics: mind control themed comics for adults. Including lots of hypnotized girls, magic spells, transformations, and superpowers

The MCP at School – A Master Control Program-themed AI Pictorial – Free Preview Version

Plot: Henry has downloaded the MCP and is toying around a little thinking it’s some crappy text-based game. However, when he sees the changes to reality the next day at school he soon realizes the power he holds in his hands… and tries sharing the program with his best friend Jake! How will the story…
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A Devil Unleased – A transformation / wish – themed AI Pictorial

Plot: Amy is an archeologist and she is on an expedition to uncover some old ruins… But she’s funded by her ex-boyfriend… her brought along his new floozy… Amy is still sad about their breakup but she’s glad he still funds this expedition. Anyway… one thing leads to another and Amy lets loose an ancient…...

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A Transformation/Wish-themed AI pictorial Teaser – A Devil unleased

Plot: Amy is an archeologist and she is on an expedition to uncover some old ruins… But she’s funded by her ex-boyfriend… who brought along his new floozy… Amy is still sad about their breakup but she’s glad he still funds this expedition. Anyway… one thing leads to another and Amy lets loose an ancient…
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Transform or Command (ToC) – Chapter 05 – A magic transformative game comic

Previously on “Transform d Command” Amara has shrunk her boyfriend to half his size and Dylan and Nicole went back to the frat room to read up on the game’s rules. Vadim has in return ToCed Amara who was forced to choose command by the rules! Plot now: We will witness what Vadim will have…...

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Window Wishing – Part 8 – A magic wishing-themed comic

Plot: In this part, we will conclude the Kingdom journey arc as King Erik and Veronica finish their travels through the fairy kingdom at a coffee shop that is famous for its delicious milk. Finally, we will follow Veronica back to her hotel where she will get to know elven hospitality 😉 Fetishes: This comic…...

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Saving Liz – A reality-change – themed AI Pictorial

Plot: You somehow got your hands on a reality-altering device and you fucked up Liz! Without storing her original self! Now it’s time to get her back on track… will you manage to do so? This story might be short but I really like how it turned out because it shows the reality business from…...

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Fairy Comic Teaser – Window Wishing – Part 8

Plot: Previously on Window Wishing we followed Eric and his girls as well as Veronica and her tour fairy through fairyland separately. They won’t really meet in this part either, but they are both visiting the same location: A Coffee shop famous for its milk :). Fetishes: Find the teaser PDF below to read. The…
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Transform or Command (ToC) – Chapter 04 – A magic transformative game comic

Previously on “Transform d Command” our players have gone home after a night of gaming. Most of them have been transformed in some way, but, back at home, they seem mostly content with their changes. But then suddenly the phone rings and Amara informs the rest of the grpuü that the game is not over……...

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The last Boob Bender 06 – Battle Royale 02- A Breast Expansion-themed AI Pictorial

Plot: Our protagonist (The Boob Bender) tells his best friend Mira about his heroic battle from last chapter while they change various people around school with their powers… something feels off though… Topics and Fetishes: This content is available exclusively to members of Hexxet’s Patreon at $19 or more....

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Not just A Winery – CH 03 – A transformation/mind-control – themed AI Pictorial

Plot: Our winery guy is in a pickle. Two female police officers are on the case of a missing businesswoman… the same businesswoman who wanted to build a highway where our guy’s winery is! And they did their homework… fully suspecting our guy was behind her disappearance. It’s looking grim… but maybe… just maybe… those…...

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