Tag: Big Breasts

Hexxets Magic Comics: mind control themed comics for adults. Including lots of hypnotized girls, magic spells, transformations, and superpowers

Window Wishing – Part 7 – A magic wishing themed comic

Plot: Previously on Window Wishing we’ve seen Erik enjoy a costume party. After various changes and sexual interactions, the party ended with Katarina wishing the whole town to be Erik’s personal fairyland with him as king. And all inhabitants being his sexy submissive fairy and elf girls. That was five days ago. Erik has not…...

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The lost Temple – Chapter 07 – A Demon’s Apprentice

Kessy has found her way back to Mika’s apartment… covered in blood and burned by that combo fireball attack. She is pissed! And she is about to let Mika know. Can he soothe her before she lets it out on him? 🙂

The last Boob Bender 05 – Battle Royale 01- A Breast Expansion-themed AI Pictorial

With Battle Royale, we are ramping up three things of the Boob Bender Series: Plot: The Boob Bender is on a school trip to a museum where he discovers an ancient tablet explaining his powers! It’s also talking about the Bender Wars – an ancient battle to become the next god of our world! What…...

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Magic Wish Comic Teaser – Window Wishing – Part 7

Plot: Previously on Window Wishing we’ve seen Katarina turn this whole city into a Fairy Land with Erik being the king and all inhabitants being his submissive slutty elf and fairy girls! That was five days ago. Erik has not yet left his new castle as he’s busy having one orgy after another… But now…
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Lauren and the Case of Omnipotence – A Reality Change / Omnipotence-themed AI Pictorial

Meta: We had a recent poll at Patreon and you guys decided that it was fine to replace one of the 3D comics with a long MC-themed PAI. I ended up with reality change/omnipotence as the origin of mind control – I hope that is fine with you guys :). So, this is a PAI,…...

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The Collar – A transformation-themed AI Pictorial

This is the free PAI of September. Plot: You talk your MILF-kinda neighbor into wearing a collar for your art project. Innocently she puts it on… not knowing that whoever wears the collar can be made to do or change in any way! Like… Age regression, Breast Expansion, change of hair. Spend a lovely weekend…
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An Omnipotence-themed AI pictorial – Lauren and the Case of Omnipotence

Meta: We had a recent poll at Patreon and you guys decided that it was fine to replace one of the 3D comics with a long MC-themed PAI. I ended up with reality change/omnipotence as the origin of mind control – I hope that is fine with you guys :). So, this is a PAI,…
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Transform or Command (ToC) – Chapter 03 – A magic transformative game comic

Previously on ToC: Our six students have started to play a game called “Transform or Command” that forces its players to actually follow commands or even more astonishingly makes them transform according to the other’s specifications. Several girls have been transformed gaining height, changing hair or gaining breast size… Plot: But now, in chapter 03…...

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The MCP at the Office – CONTINUED – A Master Control Program-themed AI Pictorial

This is a continuation of the MCP PAI Book (MCP at the Office). This can be seen as a continuation of any ending where the player stayed in control and only played around with Clarissa so far. This is not an interactive story – it is linear. But the graphics are top-notch with some super…...

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The MCP at the Office – A Master Control Program themed AI Pictorial

Plot: You are a guy working in an IT department of a big company. When you ask your boss to hire some help since one guy left and one is on vacation she assigns you her daughter as an intern who barely knows how to handle a computer! Frustrated you try to get through the…...

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