Tag: Demon

Hexxets Magic Comics: mind control themed comics for adults. Including lots of hypnotized girls, magic spells, transformations, and superpowers

Sailor Sayo 2B – A magical girl / mannequin themed comic

Plot: Sailor Sayo was beaten by Lies the evil demon girl invading the office, but she managed to run away and hide in Dylan & Isabel’s Office. Together they managed to find out what Lies did to Sailor Sayo’s powers… They no longer recharge through the feelings of love and friendship… but Lust and Sex…...

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Sailor Sayo – A magical girl / mannequin themed comic

This story turned out to become a super cheesy superhero/magical-girl story with all the usual cliche scenes you’d expect from that: Secret identity, magical-girl transformation, cheesy battle lines, and more ^^. But of course, there has been added lewdness! 🙂 Plot: When the office is in dire need of a hero because yet another demon…...

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Succubus Party – A Mind Control Halloween themed Comic

Plot: The nerds have rented out an old church to play an extra spooky D&D session on Halloween, but no girls are coming! They are all at the jocks’ party! The nerds have enough of the jocks ruining their lives and decide it’s payback time! Under the lead of Dylan, they summon a succubus and…...

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The lost Temple – Chapter 07 – A Demon’s Apprentice

Kessy has found her way back to Mika’s apartment… covered in blood and burned by that combo fireball attack. She is pissed! And she is about to let Mika know. Can he soothe her before she lets it out on him? 🙂

Sailor Sayo 2B – A magical girl / mannequin themed comic

Plot: Sailor Sayo was beaten by Lies the evil demon girl invading the office, but she managed to run away and hide in Dylan & Isabel’s Office. Together they managed to find out what Lies did to Sailor Sayo’s powers… They no longer recharge through the feelings of love and friendship… but Lust and Sex…...

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A Magical Girl / Mannequin-themed Comic Teaser – Sailor Sayo 2 – Part B

Plot: Sailor Sayo has been beaten – the way of recharging her powers corrupted by the vile demon called Lies who’s now turning more of Sayo’s coworkers into mannequins at the brink of orgasm to feed on their desperation. Will Sailor Sayo do the unthinkable? Will she have a threesome to regain her powers? And…
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Sailor Sayo – A magical girl / mannequin themed comic

This story turned out to become a super cheesy superhero/magical-girl story with all the usual cliche scenes you’d expect from that: Secret identity, magical-girl transformation, cheesy battle lines, and more ^^. But of course, there has been added lewdness! 🙂 Plot: When the office is in dire need of a hero because yet another demon…...

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A Magical Girl / Mannequin-themed Comic Teaser – Sailor Sayo 2 – Part A

Plot: The Office, a place of work and senseless meetings… but also a place for flirting around, at least if you find somebody cute there like Sayo and Dylan found each other! However, all of this daily routine is interrupted when yet another demon invades the Office. Lies has the power to turn truth into…
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The lost Temple – Chapter 06 – The Hunter becomes the Hunted

Mika has managed to get the artifact out of that underground temple… but where is Kessy the Zermankai girl? Follow Mika as he gets closer to two girls at the university while waiting for the demon to show herself. And watch Kessy who has an unexpected encounter at night…

The lost Temple – Chapter 05 – Hunting Virgins & Artifacts

Having found the appropriate location of the artifact with the Secus Ritual Mikael is heading out to retrieve it, but the way is long and rocky… literally. Meanwhile, Kessy entertains herself with a young couple *wink*.