Tag: MCP Story

Hexxets Magic Comics: mind control themed comics for adults. Including lots of hypnotized girls, magic spells, transformations, and superpowers

The MCP at School – Bianca’s Story – A Master Control Program themed AI Pictorial

Plot: In the Previous Part (Henry’s Story) Henry has downloaded the MCP and is toying around with it as he’s sharing the app with his best friend Jake. Now this story branches off from the path where Henry has increased Bianca’s breasts with the MCP. When Bianca catches her brother and Jake spying on her…...

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The MCP at School – Henry’s Story – A Master Control Program themed AI Pictorial

Plot: Henry has downloaded the MCP and is toying around a little thinking it’s some crappy text-based game. However, when he sees the changes to reality the next day at school he soon realizes the power he holds in his hands… and tries sharing the program with his best friend Jake! How will the story…...

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The MCP at the Office – CONTINUED – A Master Control Program-themed AI Pictorial

This is a continuation of the MCP PAI Book (MCP at the Office). This can be seen as a continuation of any ending where the player stayed in control and only played around with Clarissa so far. This is not an interactive story – it is linear. But the graphics are top-notch with some super…...

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The MCP at the Office – A Master Control Program themed AI Pictorial

Plot: You are a guy working in an IT department of a big company. When you ask your boss to hire some help since one guy left and one is on vacation she assigns you her daughter as an intern who barely knows how to handle a computer! Frustrated you try to get through the…...

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The App – Testing in the Friendzone – A Transformation / reality-change-themed AI Pictorial – Free Preview Version

Plot: You are friends with Erika for a very long time… and you’d like there to be more… but you are trapped in the friend zone. But there is this app on your phone which is supposed to be able to change people by just taking a picture of them… It surely is just a…
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The App – Testing in the Friendzone – A Transformation / reality-change-themed AI Pictorial

Plot: You are friends with Erika for a very long time… and you’d like there to be more… but you are trapped in the friend zone. But there is this app on your phone which is supposed to be able to change people by just taking a picture of them… It surely is just a…...

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Student Project MCP – a Master Control Program- themed AI Pictorial

Plot: You get over to your friend Mandy’s place with whom you are supposed to work on a school project. But while waiting for you Mandy has downloaded a new App called MCP. She hasn’t done much with it but entered her name. The app now displays a pic of her with pretty accurate stats.…
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