Teaser – Post Hypnotic Chore List – Chapter 06

Magic Control-themed 3D and AI Comics, including magical artifacts, spellcasting, super powers, and on occasion physical transformations.

Teaser – Post Hypnotic Chore List – Chapter 06

Coming 26.07.2024…

Plot: Daniel has stolen another Chore List from TIffany’s house and is contemplating what to do next. Will he be able to save his (ex?)-girlfriend from Ryan who has used the list to turn her into his obedient love slave?! Watch the final confrontation between Daniel and Ryan as they fight over Tiffany. Who will prevail?

PS: Chapters 06 and 07 were originally planned to be one chapter but it turned out to long. Therefore this chapter will end at an important decision leading to either one of two alternate endings that will be the topic of Chapter 07 (coming one week later in August). (There will be a united PDF available next chapter).


  • Mind Control/Hypnosis: Tiffany is still forced to do any task written on that chore list. And she loves it! Even as Ryan reprograms her into dumping her boyfriend or uses her as his personal sex slave!
  • Anime graphics: This is a collab with RollB, so the graphics are more anime-3D-ish compared to my other comics.
  • Sexy Stuff: kissing, nudity, blowjob, sex…
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Find the teaser PDF below to read. The full comic is ~30 pages long.

Teaser PDF

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