Upcoming Magic & Mind Control Stories of February 2023

Hexxets Magic Comics: mind control themed comics for adults. Including lots of hypnotized girls, magic spells, transformations, and superpowers

Upcoming Magic & Mind Control Stories of February 2023

Hello, Hexxet here,

Time for the outlook of February 🙂

Enthusiats will finish Part E of the third Endgame to the main story and start with Part F.

Afficionados and above will continue with Part F of the third Endgame, but since it has over a hundred pages this Endgame will keep us company until mid-March.

Of course one of the four side stories of February will again be accessible by Afficionados. I’ll put the poll for that online soon.

Connoisseurs can look forward to four new side stories.

The four Side Stories of February are:

Dylan and the Irresistible Potent Penis Potion Part 6: Isabel has asked Dylan to help her out with a little problem. Namely her girlfriend Layla who is a hard-line lesbian while Isabel is bisexual. She want’s to use Dylan’s wonderful “asset” to make her GF understand that sometimes she just wants a big hard XXXX up her XXXXX :). Dylan has agreed to help her and they are about to enter Isabel’s flat. Will everything work out as planned? Can Dylan’s banana really turn on a lesbian? Tune in on the next issue of Dylan and the IP³. ~ 80 pages

Window Wishing – Part 3: Erik is leaving his two girls at his new mansion while he goes to a speed dating event! Of course, he’s taking the wish-fulfilling amulet with him! Prepare for a bunch of new cute girls to be changed by the wish-granting trinket! (Note that the speed dating arc will not be finished with this chapter. It will conclude in Window Wishing – Part 4) ~70 pages

Love Bug Bite 2 – The Suiciductress strikes back: With her last victim saved the Suiciductress switches targets to Marco and the people he loves! Watch as she takes two women hostage to lure out the Pheromancer. Will Marco be able to withstand her powers? Will he be able to save the kidnapped women? And will he need to use his pheromones once again?! Tune in on the next issue of Love Bug Bite. (No idea about page count yet ^^)

The Gift – Part 14: The grand final is starting with this issue. Will it be just one Issue? Who will win? I currently don’t know! I’m still waiting for Darren to send me the script. But I’m sure it’s going to be a blast 🙂

Story release schedule:

  • 03.02.2023: Dylan and the Irresistible Potent Penis Potion Part 6
  • 10.02.2023: Window Wishing – Part 3
  • 17.02.2023: Love Bug Bite 2 – The Suiciductress strikes back
  • 24.02.2023: The Gift – Part 14

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