Upcoming Magic & Mind Control Stories of June 2024

Magic Control-themed 3D and AI Comics, including magical artifacts, spellcasting, super powers, and on occasion physical transformations.

Upcoming Magic & Mind Control Stories of June 2024

Hello, Hexxet here,

Here is the monthly overview of what content awaits you next month:

The lost Temple:

Continues with Mika adapting to his current situation and finishing the story around Harry, the whores and his girlfriend Kim :). PS: I’m already preparing for the first longer “Bonus” Chapter to the main story, but I’m not yet sure when I’ll be able to post it. I’m rooting for July.

Side Stories:

Main point I wanna talk about: We are finally starting with LEXI, a comic I’ve been promoting for some time with two short spinoffs already. I hope the “original” can keep up with the hype. It will start slow in terms of HC action but we will get there in CH 03. But the story is still interesting til then… I think! 🙂

LEXI – Smart Home Assitant: Mika is living together with his dad, step mom and step-sister. He’s a bit of a geek when it comes to tech stuff and he has just ordered the latest gadget in automated home technology on the market – a LEXI. You can connect LEXI to your TV and other gadgets at home to voice control them and more. But when Mika gets his hands on said LEXI he stumbles into a messy situation with his step-sister in the bathroom. How could that happen?! Can LEXI really rewind time?! And if so…. what other function does LEXI have?

Post Hypnotic Chore List – Part 5: Ryan has taken control of Tiffany thanks to the Chore List her boyfriend Daniel has lost! In the meantime, Ryan has used the List to turn Tiffany into his adoring slave and her most recent task is to break up with Daniel! Will Daniel crumble in despair? Or will he fight to get his girlfriend back?

Window Wishing 14: King Erik returns to the local coffee shop we saw in an earlier chapter. He’s there to take the elven waitress for a spin, but several tourists enjoying their coffee there complain about the sudden lewd action. Time to wish they don’t care! -> Follow Erik and the waitress around the room as Erik keeps fooling around with her while she serves the customers who completely ignore Erik and his actions.

Transform or Command 11: Will Nicole abuse Lana’s newly gained trust? (Okay… you know she will ^^). What will Vadim have Amara do at home? And will Dylan and Amara’s plan to capture Liz work out? Tune in on ToC 11 and buckle up for some more Breast Expansion, abusing game mechanics to get more powerful and seduction-themed intrigue :).

Release Schedule:

  • 05.06.2024: The Last Boob Bender X – Groundhog Day – PAI
  • 07.06.2024: Post Hypnotic Chore List – 05
  • 12.06.2024: Remote Beach? – Beach Remote! – PAI
  • 14.06.2024: LEXI – a new Smart Home Assistant
  • 19.06.2024: Mind Mage Memoirs – PAI
  • 21.06.2024: Transform or Command – 11
  • 26.06.2024: The Itty Bitty Titty Committee – 5 – PAI
  • 28.06.2024: Window Wishing 14
  • 30.06.2024: The lost Temple – Chapter 16

I hope you are looking forward to the stories of the coming month :).

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