Upcoming Magic & Mind Control Stories of March 2024

Hexxets Magic Comics: mind control themed comics for adults. Including lots of hypnotized girls, magic spells, transformations, and superpowers

Upcoming Magic & Mind Control Stories of March 2024

Hello, Hexxet here,

In March The lost Temple will continue with chapter 13 which will complete the Kim’s Boobs arc by resolving the situation and having Harry meet up with Kessy to report on his progress. In parallel, we have Mika finally find his purpose at the camp while also reporting back to Kessy about his findings :).

The 3D Side Comics of March 2024:

Post Hypnotic Chore List – Part 2: The Series continues with Tiffany and her boyfriend Daniel as they keep toying with the Chore List and Tiffany’s post-hypnotic suggestion to follow any task on it :).

MC Trance Trigger 3: Delayed from February we will finally have the third and final chapter to MC Trance Trigger.  David and Melinda will pay her mother a visit. Sadly she does not approve of David… but that’s a problem easily fixed. After all she attended the same hypnosis show as Melinda! 🙂

Window Wishing 11: This is a plotless bonus chapter where King Erik takes a pleasure trip around fairyland. In total this trip will take up 3 chapters. In this chapter he will revisit the promenade where he’ll entertain himself with the jogger elves and the police officer chick. He will then move onto the park where he will spend some time with the harp-playing artist and her fairy friends. (This Chapter will be all about sex and transformations)

Rewire versus the Firestarters – Part 1: Rewire is a supervillain with mind control powers. He can tap somebody on the forehead and take control of his mind. But his latest job gets ruined once again by those pesky Firestarters – three female superheroes! As Rewire takes over a random household to fuck out to the frustration, by sheer luck he stumbles upon some important info on the firestarters that reveals their identity… and their connection to Rewire! (This comic has two parts. Part two will come out in April)

Release Schedule:

  • 01.03.2024: Post Hypnotic Chore List 2
  • 06.03.2024: PAI: Buttons 5 – Buttons at the Hospital
  • 08.03.2024: Rewire versus the FIrestarters – Part 1
  • 13.03.2024: PAI: Shake Shifters – The Case of the nerdy cheerleader
  • 15.03.2024: MC Trance Trigger 3
  • 20.03.2024: PAI: The last Boob Bender 08 – Back to School II
  • 22.03.2024: The lost Temple – Chapter 13
  • 27.03.2024: The Itty Bitty Titty Committee 3 – The return of the boobs
  • 29.03.2024: Window Wishing 11

Archive Schedule:

  • 08.03.2024: Window Wishing 10
  • 15.03.2024: Soul Swap Phone

I hope you are looking forward to the stories of the coming month :).

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