Upcoming Magic Stories of December 2024

Hello, Hexxet here,
We’ll have some TF with the final chapter of ToC and the next Window Wishing Audience while the Magic is strong in Mundo Magico – Tabitha’s Tale 2B and “The Bully from my high school days…” So, I hope something for everybody :). The only thing I don’t like about these releases is that LEXI is pausing for one month, but I hope to continue LEXI in December.
The lost Temple main story
Obviously, The lost Temple continues like normal. The Chapter in December will deal with Mika learning how to heal the mind… the hard way for Barbara! We’ll probably also watch some sexy action with Harry and Kim to cheer up this chapter ^^.
Side Stories
For the Side stories we will dip deep into the TF side of things as “Transform and Command” and LEXI 06 will deal heavily with Transformations. There will also be the final Chapter of Window Wishing which concludes the Audience arc and deals with a serious case of Breast expansion! Finally, we start the 2-chapter long commission “Small Town UFO Encounter” where two boys wake up in the night and follow several sleepwalking town’s people to a certain landing site!
Transform or Command 17: The Second Chapter of the “Dylan Endgame” will deal with Amara and Vadim’s life and the fate Dylan cooked up for them. Topics will be: Breast Expansion (to probably too big again), and general growth and shrinking! (yeah I know, nobody asked for that, but I think it’s turning out quite well). Note, the Dylan Endgame will be three parts long and part three will come out in January.
Window Wishing 18: The Waitress from a certain coffee shop enters King Erik’s throne room. Due the king’s last wish at the coffee shop her breasts have rapidly been growing and they’ve reached proportions where she’s unable to keep working due to all that weight. Obviously King Erik is more than eager to help the poor girl. But how? Will he shrink her udders back down to a more manageable size? Will he just make them light as air so the heavy burden is kinda lifted off her? Or has he another approach up his sleeves? It’s up to you, as the final Audience chapter will one final time include three paths to resolve the situation at hand.
LEXI 06: I haven’t started implementing this one yet, but you can be sure that the series continues from where part 5 ended – with Jessica’s breasts expanding and those three girls experimenting with the LEXI functions to enhance their bodies. Whether Mika will return home in this chapter or a later one I’m not yet sure of. Depends on how many sexy shenanigans I come up for the girls as is :).
Small Town UFO Encounter 1: This is a commission from Lord Somno and it deals with two brothers (18 years old) who wake up at night to a very special sight! Various town’s people (mostly women) sleepwalk out of their houses towards the woods! Quickly the boys exit their house and follow the flock of sleepwalkers til they find themselves in a clearing in the woods… and what they see there almost takes away their breath! Is that… a spaceship?! And those glowing beings… are those… aliens?! Are they using that sci-fi console to control the townsfolk to do their ship repairs? (Note, the comic is written from the perspective of the two brothers)
Release Schedule:
- 06.12.2024: Transform or Command – Dylan Endgame 02
- 13.12.2024: Window Wishing 18
- 20.12.2024: Small Town UFO Encounter I
- 22.12.2024: Christmas PAI Book
- 25.12.2024: The lost Temple – Main Story Chapter
- 27.12.2024: LEXI 06
I hope you are looking forward to the stories of the coming month :).