House Rules – A Common Sense Change – themed AI Pictorial

Magic Control-themed 3D and AI Comics, including magical artifacts, spellcasting, super powers, and on occasion physical transformations.

House Rules – A Common Sense Change – themed AI Pictorial

This is the free PAI of October.

Plot: After some drunk endeavor with your best friend you return home just to find your friend write something stupid on that new community board of the building you live in. “All female residents above the age of 18 alternate in servicing Marc Mac Millon (you) in 301A as all-in sex slaves.” Oh, boy. You will be in a lot of trouble when the first neighbor reads that, but you are too drunk to care right now. The next morning somebody rings your doorbell. You open up and it’s one of your neighbors… and his daughter?! [~28 pages]

Topics and Fetishes:

  • Common Sense Change: Everybody follows the board’s rules as if it’s normal. (The only one realizing is our protagonist)
  • Sexy stuff: schoolgirl uniform, nudity, BJ, sex,…

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